curriculum Phases

curriculum Phases

3 Phases


Phase I

Basic sciences: Human biology, Chemistry, Physics, Biostatistics, Computer science, Scientific English . -Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry with Computer science, and Scientific English, Arabic and Religious Studies, Sudanese studies are also taught. Clinical sessions are provided during this phase.


Phase II

Pathology, Microbiology, Pharmacology with Introduction to Clinical Medicine, Surgery. also the Community Paediatrics, Child and Reproductive Health, Behavioural and Social sciences, Ethics, communication and Professionalism, Community medicine, Forensic medicine and Research methodology are taught during this phase . The teaching of basic sciences is based on a clinical, problem solving approach.


Phase III

The course leads to development of a research proposal of an original nature which is then executed and written by the student as a graduation thesis. The students should produce a thesis of good quality before they are allowed to sit for the final examination. The clinical teaching continues for three academic years including the introductory year during phase II. The course leads to the degree of MB.BS, (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) where the student is required to obtain satisfactory levels on Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and Pediatrics.